SRAC is a RENAR accredited body for the verification of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reports and tonne-kilometer data reports (certificate nr. OV 006).
This verification is intended to arrive at a verification opinion with reasonable assurance that the data submitted by the organization that owns the GHG-generating installation in the emission monitoring reports:
- are correctly stated (e.g. that the report does not contain material misstatements);
- are in compliance with the EU ETS permit* and the monitoring plan for installations.
*EU ETS (EU Emission Trading Scheme) - greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme
Why GHG verification
All installations falling under the provisions of HG no. 780/2006 on the establishment of the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme, with subsequent amendments and additions, must prepare an annual GHG Emission Monitoring Report.
The monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions shall be carried out in accordance with the harmonized requirements laid down in Commission Regulation (EU) No 2066/2018 and shall be complete, consistent, transparent and accurate for the proper functioning of the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme established by Directive 2003/87/EC.
The operator or aircraft operator shall submit to the competent authority, by March 1st of each year, the Emission Report covering the annual emissions for the reporting period which is verified in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 2067/2018.
Reference standards
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/2066 on monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Commission Regulation (EU) No 601/2012 (MRR rev.)
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/2067 of December 19, 2018 on data verification and accreditation of verifiers under Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/331 laying down transitional Union-wide rules for the harmonized free allocation of emission allowances pursuant to Article 10a of Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council - FAR
Benefits of GHG verification
Ensuring compliance with legal requirements.