SRAC is a notified body to carry out
- the conformity assessment of the security components - procedures for product quality assurance and full quality assurance (Annex VI and VII);
- the conformity assessment of the lifts - procedures for product quality assurance, production quality assurance and full quality assurance (Annex IX, X and XI).
The procedures for conformity assessment require to the organizations to draw out the UE declarations of conformity and to affix the CE conformity marking in compliance with legal conditions.
For these products within the mandatory area, SRAC CERT is:
- accredited by RENAR as certification body for conformity assessment according to Directive 2014/33/EU (certificate no. ON 082);
- notified by the European Commission (registered with the identification number "NB 2003").
The Official Journal of the European Union is the official compendium of EU legislation (L series for legislation) and other official documents of the EU institutions, bodies and agencies (C series for information and notices and its supplements S for public procurement). The journal is published every day in all 20 official languages of the European Union (EU).
The procedure for assessing the conformity of lifts in accordance with Module G / Annex VIII of Directive 2014/33 / EU, taken over by HG 410/2016 "Conformity based on lifts verification", covers both the design and installation phases of the lift.The unit verification procedure is particularly suited for lifts designed for a particular site or intended to be installed in small series.
The procedure may also be useful when the installed lift is an adaptation for a given site of a project which is the subject of an EU type examination certificate or a lift designed and manufactured within a quality assurance system approved in accordance with Annex no. 11 of Directive 2014/33/EU.
The unit verification procedure combines the essential characteristics of the EU type examination of a lift in accordance with Annex IV B and the final inspection of a lift according to Annex V.
In the aforementioned situations, the EU examination of the lift project it is no longer necessary if the unit verification procedure is applied. This is an obvious advantage especially for installers who hold certificates for Module D and E and who should obtain copies of the EU examinations revised design from the lifts manufacturers.
In the case of applying the unit verification procedure, for the aforementioned situations, the total costs related to the fulfilment of all the requirements for placing the relevant lift on the market are lower and the time required to complete the legal formalities is significantly reduced.