Reference standard
SR EN ISO 50001:2018 specifies requirements for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and improvement of an energy management system (EnMS). The purpose is to create the possibility for an organization to follow a systematic approach in order to obtain the continual improvement of the energetic performance, including the energetic efficiency, the employment manner of the ene4rgy and the energy consumption. The standard is applicable to an organization, indifferent of type and size, geographical location, cultural or social aspects.
Advantages of the energy management system certification
- the evidence that the legal and regulatory requirements in the field are observed;
- gaining and maintaining the market share by promoting an image of energetic efficiency of products and services;
- obtaining real performances regarding energy and showing these performances to interested parties, by the aid of an economic and technical management of significant aspects regarding energy;
- reducing the insurance costs;
- attracting investments;
- reducing costs by a more efficient use of resources.
SRAC is accredited for the energy management systems certification by:
- RENAR - The national accreditation body (Certificate SM 004) in compliance with SR EN ISO 50001:2018 reference standard.
SRAC certifications are recognized at international level through SRAC partnership in IQNet (The International Certification Network). To that extent, the organizations certified by SRAC receive, together with SRAC Certificate, also the IQNet Certificate, without any additional costs.
After the successfully completion of the certification process, SRAC certified organizations:
- have the right to use SRAC conformity mark for advertising purposes;
- are regularly informed on the evolutions in the energy management area, by accessing the SRAC website, events organized by SRAC.
Why certification
The implementation and certification of an energy management system helps your organization to:
- make significant savings because of the increased energetic efficiency;
- reduce the greenhouse gas emissions (monthly monitoring and follow-up of classifications in the normalized consumptions);
- identify the variables that impact on the use and consumption of energy.
An organization can choose to integrate the energy management system with others, including those related to quality, environment and occupational safety.
This international standard can be applied indifferent of the types of energy used.
Do you want to know the costs of certification?
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