What is organic farming?
In order to be able to sell under the organic/bio/ecological label is necessary to be certified as organic. There is no difference between these 3 terms, in Romania the official term is “agricultura ecologica”, the other terms originating from English and French.
The organic foodstuff is a result of the organic farming.
The organic foodstuff is a result of the organic farming.
Organic farming represents a global system of farm management and food production that combines best environmental practices, a high level of biodiversity, preservation of natural resources and application of high standards on animal wellbeing and production methods that aligns with certain consumers' preference for products produced using natural substances and processes.
In Romania, control and certification of organic products is performed by private Control bodies (CB’s). They are approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is mandatory preceded by the accreditation performed by an accreditation body (in Romania the national accreditation body is RENAR).
Logos used is organic farming
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Manual-de-utilizare-al-logoului-comunitar | Reguli de utilizare a siglei "ae" | Regulation for using mark and certificate of SRAC R-02 ECO e2r0 |
Advantages of the certification of organic products
- Certification guarantees the organic quality of the product and applies to all economic operators in the food chain: producer - processor - distributor - trader
- Certified organic farming ensures environmental sustainability, contributing to animal wellbeing and consumer health
- Organic Certification helps consumers to easily distinguish between organic and counterfeit products labeled as "organic".
- SRAC is accredited for organic products certification by RENAR – national accreditation body (Certificate no. OR 001)
- SRAC has the approval as a Control Body by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Certificat nr. 237052)
- Technical staff of SRAC has the competence and specialized knowledge, so that inspection and certification activities be performed at the highest professional standards
- SRAC send newsletters by e-mail so that you will be informed on time and continuously regarding the evolution of the organic farming, of the relevant legislation and of the organic certification and regarding the events organized by SRAC.
Useful links
- Ministerul Agriculturii si dezvoltarii Rurale (MADR)- Directii Agricole Judetene
- Agentia de Plati si Interventii in Agricultura (APIA)
- Comisia Europeana (CE)
- National Organic Standard (NOP)
Ing. Livia Safta - Responsabil Contractare servicii certificare produse ecologice
mobil: 0760 663 087
e-mail: eco@srac.ro