What is EMAS?
EMAS is a management instrument developed by the European Commission for companies and other organizations to evaluate, report, and improve their environmental performance.
The advantages of EMAS implementation
EMAS registration leads to:
- improved trust and enhanced public credibility with consumers, partners, investor and local community;
- competitive advantage on the European and national market by improving environmental and business performance;
- new business opportunities on the markets where ecological production processes are important.
From the economic point of view, EMAS means: resources economy and reduced costs, that leads to a lower financial burden, such as remediation, penalties payment for infringement of the law.
In addition to the ISO 14001 requirements, EMAS emphasizes compliance of the requirements regarding:
- regulatory compliance with environmental legislation;
- continuous improvement of environmental performance;
- provision of information regarding the environmental statement to the public;
- employee’s commitment.
EMAS is operational environmental management system that leads to the continuous improvement of the environment performances to the level of the best present techniques, and, in the same time, to the continuous improvement of the economic performances.
SRAC is accredited as EMAS environmental verifier (certificate no. VM 001) having the ability to validate environmental declarations for those scopes it has been accredited for.
Any organization, public or private, regardless the type of performed activity, that wishes to continuously improve the environment performance, can require EMAS registration.
The necessary documents for the EMAS registration of an organization are those mentioned in Order No. 2086 of 17th of August 2011 regarding the registration procedure in the Community eco-management and audit scheme – EMAS, order issued by the Ministry of Environment.
Organizations wishing to be registered for the first time shall for EMAS shall (in compliance with the provisions of art. 4 Regulation EC No 1221/2009):
- carry out an environmental review;
- develop and implement an environmental management system;
- carry out an internal audit;
- prepare an environmental statement;
- the initial environmental review, the environment management system, the audit procedure and its implementation shall be verified by an accredited or licensed environmental verifier and the environmental statement shall be validated by that verifier.
The application for registration shall be made to the EMAS Office and shall include the:
- EMAS registration application form, see Annex 2 of Order no. 2086/ 17 August 2011;
- The validated environmental statement in electronic or printed form;
- The declaration signed by the environmental verifier which validated the environmental statement.
EMAS office verifies the correctness and validity of the documents.
The detailed assessment of the documents required for EMAS registration application that is realized by the Competent Body together with EMAS Committee. If during the evaluation meeting all the legal criteria for EMAS Registration, mentioned in art.13, line 2 of the Regulation, are fulfilled, the Competent Body decides to grant the EMAS Registration, based on EMAS Committee notice.